Sunday, March 7, 2010

How many lives does one dog have?

Yesterday we narrowly escaped a crisis. Husband and I, with 3 of our dogs, were on our way to the dog park. We stopped at a red light, and turned left. The passenger side door of our minivan slid OPEN, and Nanners FELL OUT OF THE VAN.

Somehow, thank G-d, thank Dog, thank every power that is, he only got a small scrape on the side of one ankle. The guy behind us saw it happen, and as I jumped out, Nay just had this "WTF?" kind of expression on his face. Got him back in, got to the park (just a bit down the road and safest place to stop and really inspect him) and he was fine. The guy who saw it followed us to make sure he was okay, and said he was a "beautiful dog." (Which he is.)

I just *knew* when I realized what was going on he'd be run over the rear wheels of the van, or have a broken leg, head trauma, something. Somehow none of that happened. He went to the park and was running and happy and just "okay whatever." Except he decided to pee ON a bench, which he's never done before. What was also weird was that the dogs were totally silent the whole way to the park after that, which normally it's a screaming chorus of excitement.

When we got back in the van, after establishing he was at least mostly okay, hubby and I both just sat there, breathless, freaked out, and I was near tears. Just thinking about it freaks me out still. I'm just SO thankful nothing worse happened. Weird thing is the van doors are hard to open even when shut right, and I really thought they were shut properly.

I guess this is kind of a PSA for making sure your doors are shut and locked properly at all times.
Nay wasn't thrilled with us putting gauze and neosporin on his scrape, but he's fine and that's all I need to know.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Was off to a great start....

Then was totally eaten by work, again. Also have been really involved with Ark stuff, and last Saturday, even with the horrid weather, got 4 adoptions and the one I helped with I really felt good about. I am hoping Smokey is doing well in his new home, and I hope they stop by on Saturday to tell me how awesome he is and how glad they are to have adopted him.

Haven't posted in a few weeks. I think part of the problem is I get so involved on the 'net by all the other blogs I read, and being interested there, and my actual life is rather boring.
Right now Clark is sleeping in the nest he built on the floor next to me, and I'm up really late because I don't go to work til late tomorrow and thought it would be fun.

If this is my idea of fun....I should seriously re-evaluate.

Pit Bull Potluck

SPCA of Orlando is having a pit bull pot luck 4/17. Couldn't copy/paste all info since I'm lame, but email to RSVP. Dogs can come but must be s/n, utd on vax etc. Bringa dish, and it sounds like fun!