Over the past few months, Kamala has decided that peeing in the house is entirely more awesome than doing so outside. We took her pee to the vet, and it came back fine, so apparently we are just back to square one with her, and she's now on restriction and being treated like a puppy. She's 4, so she's really, really, well, pardon the pun, but pissed.
This is why I don't do puppies. I hate cleaning up messes in the house, never mind the joys of taking a puppy out what seems like every five minutes. (Never mind the fact that puppies get adopted much easier than grown dogs.) Kamala was @7 mos. old when we found her, and she was seeming potty trained at the time. I don't recall any problems at all when we first got her. Now, this. We're back to "omigod you peed outside let's throw a party!" and "ooh what a good girl here have a super special treat" and "well, i'm going to turn my back for 20 minutes, so back into your room you go."
This totally sucks. And I'm sure she agrees.
Retiring this Space
4 years ago