Monday, February 15, 2010


An interesting thing came to my attention today. I have 108 hours of vacation accrued at work. The new rule is that we can only roll over 5 days for our next fiscal year, which ends March 31.

Why am I posting this on my dog/critter/animal blog?

Because it means glorious things for the dogs I am lucky enough to be owned by...quite a few half days, and am taking the entire week of Spring Break off next month. (I work in a bookstore for a state college.) This means a mommy who gets to sleep in, can take them for longer walks, more trips to the p-a-r-k, and possibly even getting the fencing put up in the backyard that they so despartely need.

This means more belly rubs, more treats, more fun times, as opposed to the status quo, which, M-F, and often weekends, is "Oh good grief, I just stepped in the door after dealing with idiocy all day, please give me a minute."

I am sure they will be unanimously thrilled.

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